Just Like Falling Off a Horse

General, Logo Design, Promoting Your Business, Small Business, Web Design, Website Design, Wisconsin Website Design

Well, not really, lol.

I decided earlier this week to really give my web design business a kick in the arse; its been nearly a year since I’ve created a new design (and I really haven’t done much advertising for it – my love of photography has rudely shoved my love of web design into the back seat, lol).

So I sat down Monday morning (years ago I called Monday “Pimp Mama Out Monday” cuz that was the day I would send out cold call letters to likely clients; the ones who either didn’t HAVE a website, or looked as though they needed a website. The kids got a great big laugh out of it. It took me years to get the few clients I had, lol). and thought I’d just bang out a website like I used to.

Um, no.

Wisconsin Website DesignI started it Monday morning and finished it about a half an hour ago (I just got up off the floor where I’d collapsed from frustration), and by God it’s DONE!! You can check it out here. It’s a template that will be going in my pre-made portfolio. Pre-made designs are one of a kind designs that I create on my off-time and that can be customized to any type of business. Premades are for people who have a low start-up budget, as are Business Card sites and Starter Packages. You can see all my services and pricing on my Pricing page.

I’ve been doing web design as a side job for a long time and I KNOW what I’m doing. I also know that those commercials that tell you how easy it is for YOU to build a professional website are full of baloney – just “anybody” can’t do a perfect haircut and just anybody can’t do a professional looking website. Trying to create a website that will make you look good will take precious time away from your customers and your business.

Facebook was never meant to be your primary source of advertising, at best it and other social media, are meant to work in tandem with a complete website. On the other hand, a creative, professionally designed website will showcase you and your business. It will show your current and potential clients that you operate your business as a business, not like someone who works out of their basement.

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